Do You Know Who LaVena Johnson Is?
Monday, June 30, 2008 | Author: Mad Typist
Oh my. This story from the New Zealand Herald is certainly an eye-opener.
Private LaVena Johnson's nose was broken, teeth were loose, one eye was concave and there were abrasions over her body. The supposed M-16 hole to the head was far too small for the revolver-sized exit wound, and was on the wrong side of her skull for a right-handed woman to have pulled the trigger. Her genital area showed evidence of acid, perhaps used to destroy DNA evidence. She had white military gloves glued to her burned hands.
The kicker in this story? The Army ruled her death a suicide.

I'm not publishing this to start a conversation about whether or not female soldiers are safe in a war zone, or to make some accusing comments about the conduct of our troops over there. 99% of those guys are good troops and conduct themselves as proper professionals.

The point of publishing this is to share the story of one soldier, to help bring to light a news story that most of you won't see in the regular media. It's sad that more people aren't aware of this seemingly obvious cover-up and crime. Go to these sites and educate yourself, and see how you feel about it.

The Pfc LaVena Johnson Petition
The news story aired about this case in St Louis
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